Are you convinced that your introverted nature is preventing you from taking your career or your business to the next level? Not to worry, it doesn’t have to. In fact, many of your character traits as an introvert will ensure you thrive if they are used in the right way. In case you weren’t aware, some of the most successful people in the world are introverts. The actress Emma Watson, President Obama, businessman Bill Gates, actress Zendaya and basketball player Michael Jordan are all introverts. A quick Google search will give you some insight into the massive success they’ve had. Why? Because they’ve used their strengths to develop their personal brands, and so can you. Here are five ways you can use your strengths as an introvert to develop your brand.
1. Build Meaningful Relationships
One of the many reasons Blockbuster failed was they didn’t listen to their customers. The reports and surveys showed that customers were unsubscribing because they preferred the convenience of online rentals. It meant they avoided late fees and didn’t need to leave their homes to find the video they wanted to watch. Blockbuster assumed their home delivery DVD service would be enough. However, Netflix had tapped into the demand, and by the time Blockbuster realized their mistake, it was too late. Basically, the directors were more concerned about how much it would cost to develop an online model.
They put profit before customer needs and they lost because of it. Introverts are good at building meaningful relationships, as they would rather deal with people individually instead of in a group. You can use this same approach when interacting with customers and clients. By speaking to them one on one, and gaining more insight into how they feel about your brand, you can use that information to give them what they need.
2. Be Your Authentic Self
When you do get in front of a camera, let your audience know that you’re an introvert, and you’d rather be the person doing the filming than the talking. Don’t hide your personality. If you’re not bubbly, and outgoing, don’t pretend to be because you’ll soon get tired of the act. It’s better that people appreciate you for who you really are, rather than who you pretend to be. You’ll be amazed at how better your audience respond to you when you’re authentic. Yes, the outgoing, loud and media personality types might get more attention, but there is still plenty of room for introverts in the business world.
3. Provide A High Level Of Value
One quality that introverts and extroverts share is they are passionate people. Your passion shows in every area of your life, and one way to make your brand stand out is to infuse it with your passion. In doing so, you provide a rare value that is missing from most companies. Whether you provide a product or a service, providing value will increase customer trust and confidence. Giving customers a positive experience will ensure they not only remain loyal, but they will recommend you to their friends and family and shout you out on social media.
4. Take More Online Courses
Online courses are the introverts best friend. It means they can sit in their comfort of their own home studying online without having to go into a crowded classroom every week. Taking online courses will help develop your brand because self investment is the best investment. The more you learn, the more you earn. Add as many skills as possible to your resume, and you’ll gain a strong competitive advantage in the marketplace.
5. Use Your Intuition
Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffet all accredit their success to relying on their intuition. They have a powerful ability to follow their heart and do what feels right instead of listening to what’s going on inside their head. As a result, they’ve avoided signing shady contracts and partnering with the wrong people. Introverts are extremely intuitive because they spend a lot of time alone, and connect with themselves in a way that most people don’t. To hear what’s going on inside your gut requires solitude, and this is one of the introverts superpowers. Use your intuition to decide what will work best for your personal brand.
Now, it’s time to step out into unchartered waters and overcome your hesitancy towards creating a brand. One of the biggest battles to overcome as an introvert is fear. Fear of failure, fear of how you look to other people and fear of being embarrassed. The list can endless. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure, and take one step at a time. However, whatever advice you choose to follow from these suggestions, do it to the best of your ability, and you will reap the rewards.